
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Bertrand Russell writes that significance of a thought lies in the action to which it leads. In order to estimate the difference between the different beliefs about the same matter, we ought to consider what difference in conduct would result based on one belief or the other.
In certain cases it is right to believe whole heartedly in one of two alternatives even when there is no evidence as to which of them is true.
In the absence of evidence as to which is true, we have to choose that answer which gives greatest emotional satisfaction.
The duty in the matter of opinion is firstly we must know the truth and secondly we must avoid error.
If we abstain from either belief, we are sure of not incurring error and we are also sure of not knowing the truth.
We must be very clear that our errors are surely not such awfully solemn things. In a world where we are so certain to incur errors inspite of all our caution, a certain lightness of heart as to errors is healthier than excessive nervousness in that regard.
So in the absence of proof of existence of God if only you believe in God, you would like up to the expectation of God. You would try to avoid hurting others. If you have right belief that God supports you, your approach will be more confident.
If your thought is that God exists, it would lead to such action from you which would not hurt others. If your concept as to God is right it would lead to an action where you are more confident.
Hence existence of God is irrelevant. Belief is relevant and advantageous.

1 comment:

  1. “If you have right belief that God supports you, your approach will be more confident.” Confidence is subject to preparation, talent and personality and one doesn't have to lean on a make-belief concept like GOD for it. If one's belief in GOD makes a person confident, will it last? Confidence should arise out of a person's belief in himself.
    To blindly accept a lie, the benefits must be irresistible! Frankly, I haven't found any yet.
